Why Sales Teams Are Reluctant to Embrace CRMs and how to turn them around

In the bustling realm of sales, the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system often becomes a subject of aversion rather than a cherished ally. This sentiment, while perplexing to some, speaks volumes about the gap between what CRMs promise and what they deliver from a salesperson’s perspective. As a digital transformation business committed to bridging this gap, we delve into the heart of the issue, offering insights and a vision for a CRM that not only garners use but enhances the sales process with ease and efficiency.

The Crux of Discontent

At the core of the discontent lie several poignant reasons:

  1. Perceived as Time-Consuming: Many sales professionals view CRM systems as administrative burdens that consume time they feel could be better spent engaging with clients. The meticulous entry of data, updating records, and navigating complex interfaces can seem daunting, turning a potentially valuable tool into a chore.
  2. Lack of Customisation: Sales teams often face the challenge of a one-size-fits-all CRM that doesn’t cater to their specific needs or sales processes. This lack of customisation leads to frustration, as the system fails to mirror the dynamic and nuanced nature of sales engagements.
  3. Insufficient Training and Support: Without proper training, the full potential of a CRM remains untapped. Salespeople might not be aware of how to use the system effectively, leading to underutilisation and a sense of inadequacy.
  4. Perceived Lack of Value: If the benefits of using a CRM are not immediately apparent or felt, sales teams may question its value. The connection between meticulous record-keeping and successful sales outcomes needs to be clearly demonstrated.

Envisioning a CRM That Sells Itself to Sales Teams

To transform a CRM from a dreaded requirement to a valued partner, several key elements must be addressed:

User-Friendliness at Its Heart

A CRM should boast an intuitive interface that makes navigation and data entry as straightforward as possible. Simplifying these aspects reduces the perceived time burden and encourages regular use.

Customisation Is Key

By offering customisable options that align with a sales team’s specific workflows and preferences, a CRM can become a much more powerful tool. Tailoring features to match the sales cycle, customer segmentation, and reporting needs will enhance its relevance and utility.

Empower with Training and Support

Investing in comprehensive training sessions that highlight the CRM’s benefits and practical applications in day-to-day sales activities can significantly shift perceptions. Ongoing support and refresher courses ensure that the system remains a supportive tool rather than a forgotten relic.

Demonstrating Value

It is crucial to connect CRM activities with sales success. Providing analytics and reporting tools that can clearly show how CRM usage leads to closed deals and customer engagement can help illustrate its direct impact on performance and outcomes.

Foster a Culture of Feedback

Creating a feedback loop where sales teams can share their experiences, challenges, and suggestions regarding the CRM fosters a sense of ownership and engagement. This feedback can be invaluable in continuously refining the system to better meet their needs.

In Conclusion

A CRM system, when correctly implemented and embraced, can become a cornerstone of successful sales strategies. By addressing the pain points of sales teams and focusing on ease of use, customisation, effective training, and demonstrating value, we can pave the way for a system that not only supports but enhances the sales process. Our mission is to transform CRMs from being seen as a necessary evil to a cherished ally in the sales journey. Together, let’s build systems that sales teams not only use but rely on for their success.


5 Treloar Crescent Hobsonville,
Auckland, 0618, New Zealand