How Inventory Management Software Can Save You Time and Money in NZ

In today’s cutthroat economic reality, managing inventory is key. In New Zealand, such challenges include high costs of doing business, long supply lines, and fluctuating demands in the market. The introduction of inventory management software is a revolution, assisting the organization in saving not only a few hours but money as well. This technology can significantly enhance your bottom line whether it is a retail business, manufacturing, or distribution.

New Zealand’s market is innovative, but a vast majority of entrepreneurs use traditional ways of accessing information on the stock levels. Moreover, the proliferation of the internet and digital-first business models has increased demand for stock management and processes that are executed in real-time.

Firms that do not have the capacity to automate the storage and dispatch of goods tend to suffer more stockouts, overstocking, and incorrect order deliveries. Each of these forms of inefficiencies results in wasted time resources and financial resources. But as much as these errors are monetary in nature, they also come with a loss of hours, agitated workforce, and clients as well.

How Inventory Management Software Saves Time

Inventory management software automates the entire process of inventory tracking, from the production stages to the final sale. This is how an inventory management system saves time and resources for an organization:

Use of Technology: In a conventional way of managing stock, one must spend a lot of time identifying levels of stock, carrying out data entry, and updating spreadsheets among other petty tasks. This will no longer be the case with inventory management software as all these operations are automated. 

Organizations optimizing these tools considerably minimized the time allocated for inventory keeping by more than 30-50 hours each month.

Access to Real-time Information: Real-time stock level information enhances businesses striving for optimal stock levels, to make decisions quicker, clearer, and more rational. There is no need to wait for the end of the day (or week) for sales and reports to post adjustments in inventory.

This ability to make stock movements and changes to orders in response to changes in stock demand is crucial, especially in New Zealand where organizations often have long chains of supply.

Management of Different Locations: Most of the businesses in New Zealand tend to be multi-location in nature, be it in various cities or different warehouses. Keeping track of the stock levels manually in such a situation can prove to be a great challenge. The management software for inventory integrates all information in one system enabling the owners to view the inventory of all places. 

How Inventory Management Software Saves Money

The various features offered by an inventory management tool also help to save money and resources in the following ways:

Control of Excessiveness or Shortages: One of the most prominent cost-cutting advantages of inventory management software is its inherent feature of moderation when it comes to excess stocks or absent ones. Overstock immobilizes resources and offers extra expenses on warehousing, while the reverse produces no revenue at the time it is most needed. 

Reduction of Human-related Mistakes: The other major cause of inefficiency is data entry errors. For example, wrong stock level records, price figures or reorder mark values may lead to a situation where too much stock is bought or customers go without their requirements.

Inventory management software offers a solution to human error by considering all data as ‘read-only’, hence loss of data due to human error is minimized.

Improving the Management of Suppliers: Inventory management solutions usually extend to supplier management. Enhanced supplier contacts mean better prices, cut down on purchased households, and lesser processing of goods through warehouses. 

In New Zealand, this translates into the need for mate-supplier relationships as cost-cutting practices are hampered due to geographical distances which may restrict the supplier net.

Better Prediction of Customer Demand: These systems offer extensive analytics and reporting which helps in designing a more accurate demand forecasting process. Economic regions such as New Zealand, for instance, have periods when the sales of particular goods are extremely low and very high exceptional summer periods when the orientation of the economy is primarily tourism demand planning becomes very critical. 

Organizations that have applied the best forecasting systems have been successful in curtailing surplus lobbyists’ stock and hence costs have gone down.


In the case of the New Zealand market, which is one of the most turbulent and competitive, the question regarding the use of inventory management software is a matter of survival. Eliminating unnecessary labor, enhancing supplier cooperation, delivering performances, and giving updated information lead to time and financial benefits for the corporation. 

It doesn’t matter if you are a small shop owner or in charge of a wide-range production system, it’s evident that adoption of such technology is imperative. While deploying such systems can result in a reduction in costs by up to 30%, the saving of several hundred man-hours is often an even greater incentive. The question is not if this software must be purchased, but how it can be implemented.

To understand the need for an inventory management system and the ways to implement it with your current tools for maximized results, contact Innovate Now. We offer personalized consultation and support to guide your business to success.


5 Treloar Crescent Hobsonville,
Auckland, 0618, New Zealand